Friday, December 23, 2011

Bringing Up The Average

My last few months of blogging has suffered.  I used to blog every couple days and I really enjoyed the creative outlet.  Over the last 3 months my average has been about 6 posts a month.  That's pathetic!

It seems like everyone I know has been struggling to get on blogger and put some thoughts into words.  I guess it's  a good thing.  It means we're spending more time in real life vs the cyber world.

I have been working on a couple different projects and have blogs in the works.  One project is ideas for those outdated framed prints you have from Home Interiors.  You know the ones, they are full of pinks, blues, and typically have lots of flowers. 

They were super pricey in the 90's and have great frames.  Problem is they're outdated.  So whats a girl to do?  As soon as I put the finishing touches on mine I'll show you step by step.

The kids are so excited about Christmas that they can't talk about it without grinning ear to ear.  I love to see the excitement in their faces.

I have been putting together a rag quilt for my newest nephew Zayne.  I'll give you a sneak peak but you'll have to wait until after he opens it to see the finished product.  I've only made 2 quilts in my entire life.  One for Zach and now one for Zayne.  I sure love those boys.
I gave my little girl a framed image of her, Grandma NeNe and baby Zayne to put in her room.  She LOVES it!
She put it on her dresser and goes in just to check and make sure it's still there.

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