Monday, November 5, 2012

Santa is ALIVE

I have been a terrible blogger.  Please accept my apologies and adorable story about our girl.

Jared and I never planned to encourage our children to believe in Santa.  It wasn't an issue with the first four.  In fact, until Brennan was 4 he referred to the rotund, rosy cheeked, cookie thief as "The Christmas Man."

My mom, of course, was sure this was illegal.  She really struggled with the fact that we didn't encourage them to believe.  By the time we had boy number 3 I think she gave up. 

We have always told the kids that Santa is a tradition and a lot of small children believe him to be real and it is not our responsibility to prove otherwise.  To my knowledge, they have not crushed the hopes and dreams of any sweet believing peers.

Until last week...

Anneliese, frustrated and indignant, came to me and proclaimed, "SANTA IS ALIVE!"

Umm what??

After some questioning I discovered that the boys told her "Santa isn't real."  She informed them that he in fact is real, he is alive and doing well.  After all, she has seen him. 

Yesterday Jared started asking her questions about Santa.  She told him "hims has deers, and Hims leaves pesents for kids unner da tree" (sic)

We asked her if he left presents for good kids.  She nodded.  We asked if he left presents for bad kids and she said, "no they naughty."

Just for fun we asked about our boys specifically.  According to Anneliese Graham and Brennan are the only ones getting presents this year. 

She had us cracking up!  Too funny.

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