Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jared Says It Best

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thank You

Our lovely church family has outdone itself again. In the midst of very difficult economic times, our church gave us (Chris and me) very generous Pastor Appreciation gifts last night.

Considering the circumstances, I was totally okay with a handful of McDonald's coupons. That would be reasonable in a time when most families are really struggling. In fact, I was content to have already received my gift in July with my rock, which some of the church guys brought from Winchester to my house in Piper.

But our church family has showered us with cards and gifts, giving sacrificially to show their love for us. I was speechless, emotional, and greatly endeared to everyone last night. So…

Thank you. Thank you for your commitment to us and to the Lord's church. Words will never fully express how much this church family means to me. I thank God for how irreplaceable you are in my heart.

1 comment:

Cindy Coker said...

I totally agree with you. This is the most generous church family I have ever known. We are truly blessed to have become a part of this family. I am excited to raise my boys in such a loving environment. I doesn't hurt that the senior pastor's wife is wonderful!