How in the world is it December 28th??
I don't remember having a joyous Christmas. Maybe that's because my family has been in the fog of the flu for the last 10 days.
I was fortunate to have it twice, yep, twice. Apparently my first go round wasn't quite enough to build up immunities so as the bug passed through the family it decided to give me one last kick in the pants on it's way out.
This morning I feel somewhat human. I made a cup of coffee and showered by 8:30 without even a touch of nausea. This is serious progress.
Reasons for a down right terrible attitude:
-We spent Christmas (on my side) on Christmas Eve at my mom's while Jared and Graham stayed home. Thursday night Graham had projectile vomiting from his top bunk raining his terror from on high. It was so sad to leave Graham's pathetic little self at home while he knew we were off to open "peasants" at NeNe's.
-Due to Graham's illness Jared went to the Christmas Eve candle light service without Anneliese, Graham and I.
-After I arrived home from Mom's I was struggling with a headache and not feeling well so we discussed it and decided if anyone else were to fall ill we would stay home Christmas day as a family. Jared started in with the worse case of the flu I've ever witnessed Friday night.
-Christmas morning the kids awoke around 8:30 and we drug our very sick/weak Daddy out of bed to open gifts. He was a good sport and made it through the gifts only to retire to the restroom shortly after.
-Jared confessed that when he agreed we'd all stay home as a family he was sure I would be the one to be sick and he didn't want to leave me home alone. Now that it was Jared that was ill, he insisted the kids and I head to the Altic's without him. So we headed out for another holiday celebration with a fraction of our family.
-Saturday early evening the kids, mom and I arrived home to find Jared still in bed and still very ill. We brought him some lasagna from his mom and he decided to try and eat. I don't think he'll ever eat lasagna again. He was up off and on all Saturday night and was still in the bathroom when I left for church Sunday morning.
-Sunday afternoon round two started for me. Jared was just coming out of the fog and finally eating/drinking and I started vomiting and running fever.
-My friend Wendy, who is military, put in for a transfer to Leavenworth. We've been friends since we were 19 and have lived in different states for 10 years. We were both really excited and hopeful to live near each other again even if only for a while. She called to let me know that they did not receive the transfer and she'll be moving to Ft. Leonard Wood instead.
I believe it's Tuesday, and we are finally all well. In the 7 Christmas' we've had in this house I have always taken a picture of our kids in front of our Christmas tree. This is the first year we didn't take one. Partially because we're in a camera crisis (crisis may seem strong, but I'm not exactly rational :)) since we don't have a working camera in the house other than our phones.
In true Bah Humbug fashion, as soon as I was able, I took the tree down and packed away all signs of the holiday. Last night we went through all our decorations and threw out the bulk of our lights since 90% of them just stopped working last week. Our tree looked awesome (insert sarcasm here).
Never have I been more thankful that Jesus is the reason for the season. This broken world can be full of flu and foolishness. If my peace or happiness were dependent on the trappings of Christmas I would be one hateful cranky girl.
Here it is Dec. 28th and even though our celebrations didn't turn out like I'd planned I really am thankful. Thankful to be feeling better, thankful for another week off school, thankful my babies are feeling better (including the 6ft tall one). Thankful for a God that loves me and knows my name.
John 16:33 (New Living Translation)
33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”