Friday, December 10, 2010

Hey Keepin It Under Controllers!

How ya doin?

I had a fun morning.  I went into my boss to have some training on personal assessments for clients.  Chad (my boss) thought a good way to learn the assessments was for him to do one for me.  It was a bit eye opening.

My overall balance isn't great.  I couldn't stand on one foot without losing balance for more than 4 seconds.  YIKES!  My right shoulder is higher than the left showing an imbalance in muscle strength and my head leans forward.

Add to that my body fat percentage is too high and I need to lose about 10lbs.

This may sound like bad news, but honestly I'm kinda excited.  Now that I have the full assessment I am going to develop a workout program for myself.  My boss is going to make sure it's accurate.  If I follow my own plan I should be within ideal body fat % and fit within 8 weeks.

It seems important to be fit if I'm going to be hired to help others gain a healthy physique.  When it comes to eating healthy I do a really good job 90% of the time or better.  My issue is exercise.  I'm all or nothing. Since my dreams of running the marathon were squelched due to my injury, I've been doing a whole lotta nothing.  All that work I put into the running has faded over the last few months.

Now it's time to get started!  I would really like to assess a couple people in order to practice the process.  If you are interested let me know!  I'll take the first three to respond.


alanna said...

I wouldn't mind an assessment!! I'd just need some ideas for exercising at home - don't have 'gym' membership and don't have the money right now.

Christi said...

I'll take one. But be nice!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Unknown said...

Anonymous was my sweet Shell. She text me to let me know it wouldn't put her name in. So, we're good to go! I'll be contacting you to make appointments :)