Monday, November 17, 2008

So It Begins

The month of Weight Watchers begins today. It's already not as bad as I'd thought. My sweet friend Tashy has offered to watch the kids today so that Jared can put in a full day. He was up and at em' at 8 am.

Because of her generosity we will have a day later in the week (Friday hopefully) that Jared can take off and have a day home with the family. Today is my big day with 3 meetings back to back. I start at 130 and won't be home until around 8.

The other meetings I'll do this week have much less time involved because they are single meetings and those tend to go pretty quick.

As far as homeschooling goes I remembered that we have the week of Thanksgiving off so 1 of the 4 weeks we won't have school. That will definitely help.

A positive to all this is that it has made me more conscience of my own eating. There has been a lot of stress as of late and I'm eating my way through it. When I went into the doctor for my toe the doctor mentioned that I had gained 10lbs in 2 weeks. YIKES. She asked sweetly if there had been any new stress in my life and I just broke down. I felt foolish because as a Weight Watchers leader it is my job to train people to work through stress and other emotions without turning to food. I have been falling back into my old ways of eating and all the emotions are intensified due to my pregnancy.

I have been doing soo much better since that appointment. When the emotions come I just cry verses stuffing my face. May seem silly but at least I'm working through the emotion verses feeding it and leaving it for later. I greatly look forward to Glory when all my faults and strongholds will be removed and I will be made whole.

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