Thursday, September 24, 2009

Febreze How I Love Thee

I have pets. I have lots of pets. I also have 2 dogs and a cat. Haa haa get it, the kids are pets. Hee hee. Anyway...

As long as there are animals living in my house there will be a war waging. That war is against odors. I am determined to live a life unaffected by the creatures I've invited in and though I'm rarely successful I am determined to try.

We also have issues with laundry odors. I get stale dish cloths, every once in a while stale laundry in general (from hanging out too long in the washer). The good news is my old friend Febreze has my back! There is a product I found called Febreze Odor Eliminator and I'm in LOVE. It's a laundry add in.

It removed pet odors from the dog beds.
It removed the stale odor from my dish cloths.
It removed the mildewy smell from 2 pairs of shorts that bleach couldn't even help.
It removed Jared's cologne and perspiration smell from his undershirts.

I'm seriously considering adding it to the carpet shampooer to rinse the living room rug. I love this stuff. Last night I washed all our bedding and added it just for the extra freshness and slept hard all snuggled in.

Some other Febreze items I enjoy:
Clean Breeze room spray
Febreze Noticeables (plug ins)
Tide with Febreze Clean Breeze scent
Ultra Downey with Febreze Clean Breeze scent

If they come out with a Febreze endorsed cat litter I'm all over it. Right now we use Arm and Hammer fresh scent scoopable. If it's cleaned regularly it's actually really good.

Do you have any great ideas to keeping things smelling fresh (minus getting rid of my children's beloved pets)? Lay them on me! I need all the help I can get.

**Update** Carpet shampooer is a hit! My house smells wonderful!!! Click HERE for coupons!!


Jen said...

I battle more with hair than smells. Any suggestions with that?

Unknown said...

Actually yes. Bathe the dog once every 9 nine days (vet said it wouldn't harm their skin that often). and Vacuum daily. Make sure to get the corners. Oh and get leather furniture.

Aimee said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with clothes that smell a little ripe from leaving too long in the washer. I'd wash them again and dry but doesn't seem to help. I'll have to give Fabreeze a whirl! Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with Jared's cologne odor?

Anonymous said...

Another way is to have multiple dog bed covers on hand so you don't have to keep washing them so frequently. That way you can just do the wash at your convenience, or when you are ready to do the weekly loads. has some really nice dog bed covers if you are interested.

Unknown said...

Well...Jared wears patchouli and it's not a favorite of mine. But regardless it doesn't wash out in regular laundry and in order for things to seem clean to me they shouldn't smell of anything but laundry after you wash them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

My name is Steve Megaffin from MYKI Pet Distribution; I happened to come across your post this morning and thought I would touch base to say a quick hello.

In brief, our “pet & environmentally friendly” cleaning & deodorizing solutions assist Veterinarians, Groomers, Kennels and Home Owners with that “doggy odor” that exists within a pet environment.

Please take a few minutes to visit us at (, as I our products are all concentrated to provide better value and lessen out footprint on the environment.

Steve Megaffin