Monday, August 11, 2008


It's 3 am and I can't sleep. I'm not sure what's keeping me up since I've been a walking zombie for the last several weeks. Normally I'm asleep with minutes of laying down and I've been wide a wake for hours.

I'm a little concerned for today. I have to work this afternoon and my nephew is staying with us. I will have 5 bouncing boys in just a few short hours and my kids have to do school today as well.

It's a rare occasion that I outlast Jared. In recent days I've been heading off to bed around 9-930 and Jared is quite the night owl. He's sound asleep and here I am listening to the sound of the hamster wheel.

Hopefully this high will last all day so that I can make it through my day. I get home from work around 6:30 pm. If I can just make it until then!

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